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AVX and MongoDB problems

Some users have reported problems with the AVX and MongoDB. If you are experiencing any of these problems, or you just don’t want to use MongoDB for any reason, you will find an alternative docker-compose.yml file that makes use of FerretDB instead of MongoDB. FerretDB is a truly Open Source MongoDB alternative, built on Postgres. This solution needs an extra container (Postgres), but it’s fully compatible with the rest of the Whisper containers.

To fix this, we will use a docker-compose override, this will be a file that will override some directives from the main docker-compose.yml file, so this means you still need toe main compose either with the CPU or GPU version.

Get the docker-compose.ferret.yml file and rename it to docker-compose.override.yml. You can download it with:

curl -fsSL -o docker-compose.override.yml

Then you can start containers normally:

docker-compose up -d --pull=always